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The Health Benefits of Laughter

It has been said that laughter is the best medicine and with good reason because it does us so many great benefits. If you have not tried to laugh at yourself then you are missing out on something that can really help with your stress levels, reduce your blood pressure, lower your cholesterol, improve your immune system, lower your stress levels, lower your blood sugar, lower your temperature and much more. But just having a good time laughing is not enough because to truly benefit from all the benefits of laughter you must know how to get the most out of it.

via image: wonderslist

One of the first major benefits of humor is that it releases endorphins. Endorphins are the hormones that make us feel good. And if we are feeling good then we will be able to laugh at ourselves more and be less stressed. This is why humor is such a powerful cure for stress. Laughing releases endorphins and we can see this in action whenever we are laughing at a joke. The more you laugh at yourself and at the joke the more your body will release natural pain killers which actually will make you feel better.

Another of the health benefits of laughter is that it brings people together. When we are all together we are happier and people around us are more comfortable and this will also lead to healthier outcomes for them as well. When people are around others that are happy and funny they are more open and share more information and laugh at each other's jokes. This ultimately helps the people that are around them to be as relaxed and as well.

Laughter also has emotional benefits. Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between the amount of physical activity and happiness. This means that people who laugh and have fun are happier and physically active than those who are in their brooding mode. So using humor is a great way to be more physically and emotionally active. When we are active and have fun together we become happier together and this will lead to better emotional health for the entire family.

One of the key benefits of laughter is that it releases endorphins. Endorphins are great because they are natural pain killers. You might notice when you go to take a nap or feel good after working out that you will feel good. Endorphins are responsible for that 'high' that you experience after completing a strenuous activity or job. This is one of the reasons why people are encouraged to take comedy classes or watch stand-up comedy. It is not only an effective way to release stress, but it is also one of the best ways to release the pain and negative emotions that might be caused by everyday life.

If you want to learn how to use humor to help release stress and lower your blood pressure then you will need to understand how the various health benefits of laughter relate to reducing blood pressure. One of the many things that happen when we laugh is that we release serotonin, a mood elevator that is responsible for our feelings of happiness and stress relief. In addition to releasing serotonin, laughter helps to reduce the levels of cortisol, a hormone that is responsible for our reactions to stress. People who laugh so hard that they break glasses when they laugh also experience significantly less depression.

The fourth benefit of humor is that it helps to control weight gain. When we are under stress, it is very easy to eat more food than we should be. However, if we start laughing, we might lose the appetite for food and begin to take control of the amount that we eat. Many cancer patients have successfully lost weight by taking up a daily walk, playing some sport, or joining a gym. Exercise and other forms of laughter might even be enough to help some patients to control or reduce the disease.

The above are just a few of the health benefits of humor. There are many others, including the fact that it can help to reduce the effects of stress, improve our physical health and help us maintain a sense of balance and happiness in life. We all need to feel good and this is especially true in the case of cancer, as the symptoms of this disease make us all feel bad. But when we laugh, we can avoid taking ourselves too seriously and we can laugh at ourselves, which is something that can help us feel better about ourselves.

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