Throughout history, many mixed-breed cats have been referred to as felines, including house cats, domestic cats, and moo bundle (a popular pastime used by some people in the U.K.) What sets these felines apart from other common cat breeds is that usually, these animals are actually a recognized breeds. The main goal of these breed cats is to produce a cat that is as near perfect as possible to its genetic origins. Mixed breed cats are the result of breeding two or more distinct breeds together in order to produce a cat that has the most desirable traits. This is why they can be considered a cross between two or more breeds, instead of simply being an animal that is a combination of two breeds.
Many people think of a domestic short-haired cat as being any mix between the domestic long-haired cat and a Siamese cat. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes a Siamese cat will be born with a condition that makes it incapable of producing enough fur to live normally. This animal is then considered a Siamese mix, because it shares a lot of its physical characteristics with its long-haired counterpart, such as having long hair, oval ears, a square tail, and ahead with a triangular shape. These cats can also be a mixed breed, but their exact makeup will vary depending on the breeding methods that were used during their creation.
The Domestic cat may very well have the most identifiable features among any other type of feline. The Domestic cat's body is generally tall and sturdy, with stocky, long legs and a short tail. A domestic cat may have a sleek body type, with long hair coming up the back of its neck and ears. The face of a domestic cat may look a bit odd, with its almond-shaped eyes and a somewhat misaligned mouth. Its signature grin may not be perfect, either, with its prominent crooked teeth. A domestic cat may also display some rather un-appealing physical attributes, such as large, pointed ears, a bulbous nose, droopy ears, an abnormally long tail, a tufted tail, and a wide maw.
Some people consider certain domestic cats to be purebreds, which means they carry only one genetic trait from their parents. Other people consider any set of parents to be purebred, even if they have more than one gene from each parent. In either case, you'll probably want to be careful when choosing which cats you buy and raise into adulthood. Some purebreds are carriers of serious diseases like leptospirosis and rabies, so you should never purchase any kittens or puppies from these breeders. Also, you may wish to avoid purchasing any litter of kittens that happen to share a mother with a diseased sire.
The coat of a purebred and the coat of a mixed breed may vary considerably, but both varieties are typically quite healthy, solid, and attractive. A pure-bred Siamese will have solid hair, whereas a purebred British Short-haired cat may have silky smooth hair. Both varieties of Siamese are known for their distinct personalities and intelligence, making them ideal pets. They do need plenty of socialization and regular interaction with humans, so keep in mind that a purebred Siamese will likely become bored if kept alone.
If you're thinking of adopting a cat from the shelter or an online breeder, you'll probably want to research your new pet's pedigree before deciding if it's a true breed or just a variation on a cat already made. There are some misleading online sites that present "purebred" cats as being the purebreds of choice, but these are likely to be female cats that were bred with Siamese in captivity. Some other popular cat breeds, such as the American Pit Bull Terrier, are more likely to be the mixed-breed cats that you might find at a shelter or pet store. These felines, though not true breeds, still have their own distinct personalities that you'll want to take into account when choosing a cat. The personality of a cat will affect its temperament and suitability as a pet, so make sure you choose one that has a distinctive personality before buying it.