Style is a choice we all have to make and is something we can never be too critical of. We all look at others and see what they are wearing and we try to copy them, dress the same, and even behave the same as they do. The world spins on its axis based on style. Styles are so important that some people refer to a person by his or her style. Just recently someone was fired from their job for giving an inappropriate answer to a question and was branded a Style Detective because they could not figure out the reason for the discrepancy.
via image: wonderslist
Style, like everything else, comes in many forms. Some styles are timeless; classic style is always in style. But there are also lots of new styles that come and go. One of the best predictors of whether a style will be in fashion or will soon be outdated is the type of clothing that a person wears most of the time. If you dress like every other guy on the street, sooner or later you will be seen as an outcast.
Style is a combination of trends, color, and personal choice. It is difficult to find one style that defines the complete picture of style because it varies from one person to the next. If you find one style that suits you, chances are it will be in style eventually. You just have to wait for the time.
Style is subjective, so everyone has their own opinion on what is stylish. Everyone thinks the same way about what they like and dislike. People often say things that may seem harsh to other people because they have the tendency to generalize. They say things like, "You are too old for style" or "You should take out all your piercings."
It is a good idea not to be too critical of what others think. After all, we are all unique. We all dress differently. And no two people wear the same kind of shoes. It is very easy to be misunderstood when you are trying to find your own style.
Fashion designers like to find their own style. That is why they are fashion designers. Find yours today and stand out in the crowd. You don't have to follow the crowd, but if you do, you should at least try to copy what the crowd is wearing. It might be surprising to you how many people wear the same kind of clothes as you.